Survey Research Nights

Dear Participant,

Welcome to our Research Nights survey. Your participation is valuable and will help us better understand our visitors and their needs.

All responses will be kept strictly confidential and used only for research purposes. The survey is expected to take approximately 5 minutes of your time.

As a token of appreciation, we are offering you a chance to win a print from the collection (see below). To participate, please enter your email address at the bottom of the survey.

Thank you for your time and contribution.

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What is your age?
Which Research Night event(s) did you attend?
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How do you describe yourself?
Which discipline(s) are you interested in?
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Were you familiar with the Nieuwe Instituut before your visit to Research Nights event?
Was the information about the Research Nights event clear?
Was the Nieuwe Instituut easily accessible?
If you want a chance to win the print, entering an email address is required.
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