testpage Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Checkboxes *MrMrsMsMxName *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Company *Position *September 23: Living in multispecies communities9.00 -11:00: Breakfast and presentation of the Zoöp model (Het Nieuwe Instituut) and Rights to Nature Compendium (Embassy of the Northsea) @Ocean Space, Campo S. Lorenzo, 5069, 30122 Venezia VE, Italy17.00-18:30: Drinks and presentation of the urban regeneration initiative The Green Triangle (We are here Venice) @ The Green Triangle, Officially this area called ‘Casermette’, the Green Triangle intends green area of Casermette dell’Arsenale.September 24: Connecting social and ecological urgencies in policy and design 9.00 -11:00: Breakfast conversation with a.o. Caroline Nevejan (Chief Science Officer City of Amsterdam), Simone Rots and Mike Emmerik (Independent School for the City, Rotterdam) @ location to be announced17.00 -18:30: Drinks and presentations by Bureau Lada, Studio Wild and Failed Architecture, in collaboration with Creative Industries Fund @ Spazio Punch, addressSubmit